How are you? U.S. Premiere of movie Invincible Summer February 7, 2024 at 6:30 pmLycée Français de New York – 505 East 75th street, New York, NY 10021
In the midst of winter, I found that there was within me an invincible summer. Albert Camus
On February 7, 2024, French Entrepreneur Olivier Goy and Paris Brain Institute co-founder Professor Yves Agid will attend Stéphanie Pillonca’s Invincible Summer film premiere at the Lycee Français de New York. The film follows the journey of a man who decided to give a nod to life to transform its tragic fate into a smiling moment of bliss.Join us to celebrate Olivier Goy in New York on February 7. I know you won’t regret it! Attendance is free, although Olivier Goy would appreciate a donation to the Paris Brain Institute America to continue advancing brain research. Please register here . If you wish to make a donation, click here. Film screened in its original version with English subtitles.I would also love to share a letter I just sent to Olivier Goy. It all started with a question.